Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The latestAmazon package came in the mail. A lamp. In a giant box with lots of air bubbly wasteful packaging material. While dh excitedly sliced into the box to put together said lighting fixture, kitty could not wait to jump onto the empty box and thrash through the packaging waste. Blissfully ignoring any of the fancy cat toys we purchased over the past year

Likewise as I am  On the floor with my son, surrounded by his choice of toys with blinking lights, music, colors and textures, he shows mild interst in any of them until I break out 2 basic kitchen utensils of black measuring spoons and a whisk. Now he is happy and laughing uncontrollably

And while there are tons of movies, tv shows, amusement parks, concerts, hip clubs and other fun and enticing opportunities to do, I find myself happiest watching my kitty jump in and out of a box, watching my son shake a whisk and my hubby putting a lamp together

I must slow down and remind myself of the pure joy in the simplicity of everyday life

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