My hubby handed me the gift after our son went to bed and stated that I needed to open it early.
So with curiousity and trepidation I started to unwrap what looked like a clothing box. I was desperately hoping it wasn't a sweater. Bless his heart, he tries with the sweater thing every year. Tries.
Instead what I found was an office clip board. Attached were about 6 pieces of white printer paper.
Each page read the following:
1. London?
2. Paris?
3. Rome?
4. Istanbul?
5. 2015
6. You choose
I was rendered speechless. Hubby of course was recording this with his phone. About 5,000 thoughts went through my head at once.
I finally decided on a "how?" Question.
I couldn't quite figure out what was happening. How we could afford this. Why this wasn't Ireland, which we have been holding out for one day.
He put the camera down and explained. Apparantly the week before he was home with the kids watching PBS (not out of the ordinary at all) and they were having a pledge drive. We've been avid PBS viewers for quite some time but have never donated. Bill considered this a good time, plus he'd get some Rick Steve's DVDs to give me as a Christmas present (which I LOVE Rick Steve's and his nerdy little cargo pants and fanny pack)
And by doing so his name was put into a drawing to win a trip through Rick Steve's travel company.
And a few days later. They drew his name. My husbands name. For a free Flipping trip to flipping Europe!!!!
Ok to one of 4 cities in Europe. The above mentioned ones.
The urgency was to get the paperwork in for tax purposes done by the end of the year. The paperwork required a notarization of my signature.
So back to how I am going to Europe for free. I mean taxes I guess. But it's all expenses paid. Airfare. Most meals. Lodging. And fully guided by a Rick Steve's approved guide.
I have never left North America. I always regretted my lack of courage and lack of finances in my younger years to dive in and explore foreign lands.
As you can imagine, I am losing my mind with excitement.
And after very thorough research on my part, I made a decision.
We chose Rome, Italy.
It will be my "Roman Holiday". Just like Audrey Hepburn. Without the being a princess and getting a pixie haircut.
We go this fall. Without children. After baby turns one.
Bill wins every argument for the next 5 years.