Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tebow, tolerance and the NFL. (and a litle bit of faith)

I've been thinking about this for not only days, since the Denver/Pittsburg game, but really for weeks and months...since the whole "Tebow becomes the starting QB for the Broncos" headline came out.

What has caught my attention is just how much attention he has received. To be honest, in the beginning, I wasn't a big Tebow fan, only because he was from U of Florida and they are the "we win everything" school and that just annoys me. But what I find facinating now, is what I see written about him everywhere. It seems a few extremes.

On Facebook, social networking sites, and other commentary written by just regular people on news stories, there is a lot of hate out there for the man. Lots of nasty sentiment and "down with Tebow." There are many Tebow lovers out there too, but I am surprised by how many intensely negative feelings exist and what appears to be why.

The why of the hate...because he is a man of faith and is open about it. He believes in something, acknowledges it, prays openly, makes gestures towards heaven, talks about it openly, etc. Now, as a Christian myself, I have no qualms about it. But I also get very frustrated about how some Christians shove their faith down peoples throats, telling people their going to hell, how to live their lives, and are intolerant of differences. And I personally have not seen that in the man (not that I know him personally, just going by my observations). Just because he acknowledges something he believes, I don't see him force feeding anyone anything.

Additionally, from what I have seen and read, he has gained much respect from his teammates and other professionals in the league for his genuineness, positive attitude and natural leadership. Any interviews I have read, he appears humble, never hates back at those who criticize him, and never blames anyone else for his mistakes or losses.  I know he isn't perfect, but who is?

Here is what bothers me the most. While there is a guy garnering lots of negative publicity about believing in something and adhering to a religious faith of somesort, somehow the media or naysayers conveniently overlook all of the guys who do the following: beat their wives/girlfriends, rape women, kill/harm animals, sell drugs, shoot people (or themselves) in nightclubs, or complain about how their 5 million dollar contracts are not enough. They might make the news for a day, but then all is forgotten.

We can overlook and be tolerant of violent crimes, hate, hurt, entitlement and greed. But we certainly cannot tolerate or overlook someone who has a religious faith!

The counselor in me wants to understand why. But that part of me also feels like I already know the answer. Someone close to me describes it as the world just "going to hell in a handbasket". I'm not quite on that bus. Without trying to sound cocky or overly-pscyhoanalytical, I think that people tend to push against what they don't understand or what their own insecurities are. Perhaps Tebow makes people uncomfortable, because either they don't understand where he's coming from or because something or someone about religion or faith or God has hurt them in the past.

Sadly, in my opinion, religion has hurt people. When it is taken away from what it was meant to be. I actually am not a fan of the word "religion" for various reasons, but to me it is/should be synonymous with "spirituality" and "faith" and I believe we all are as much spiritual as we are physical, emotional, intellectual, social, etc. Faith is meant to be for all people, fill people with love, compassion, life, healing, hope, meaning,  values, connection to something greater than yourself and other people. Too often, broken people (and aren't we all broken to some degree?) have used it to protect themselves, hurt others, control others and separate, divide and degrade others.

Its my hope that Tebow can be consistent and live out the faith he prescribes too, especially being in the spotlight. But for me, it is a hope that I can be the same. That I not be the one who hurts others, but the one who shows the love, sincerity and compassion of the God I claim to believe in, and create a better quality of life for all around me. Making THAT the norm... instead of hate and hurt.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Next weekend I am celebrating 2 events.

1. The Shower.
2. The Fronczak sister Christmas

Both will be fun...but am mostly looking forward to sister time. When I say "my family" in the traditional sense, I am usually almost always talking about my sisters. I have other extended family members who I love...i.e. gramma, a few 2nd cousins. A couple of aunts and uncles who i see maybe once a year. And a dad who is in and out as it is convenient. And I do have a whole host of in-laws who are awesome.

I've also been super lucky in the past couple of years to have the addition of "heather" (and her family)to our family...she is technically my aunt, but is my age and fits in just like a sister. Her dad is my grandpa...long story. Probably one of the nicest people I have ever met. She'll be up this weekend too.

When my sisters and I get together, something strange happens. We turn into 13 year old boys. I'm not sure why...and God bless my husband when he puts up with it...but this is the stuff that we find amusing...

need any tp?

and this..

We never had any brothers.

One of my favorite times was a little road trip my little sister and I took while in Spokane, to just visit Montana real quick. Lots of Beavis and Butthead references, she farted probably 20 times, and took full responsibility for them, skipped around in the mountains to "The Hills are alive with the sound of music" (which is more girly, I know) and got very excited about the garbage sucking goat.

We will be setting a prime example for "Little Dude"

So while we may be on our best behavior during the shower cause there will be other people around, (we can put on a good "normal" act for a short while), its afterwards that you may not want to be around for. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


What would I like to accomplish this year?

1. Learn as much as possible about parenting to be the best parent possible. This including reading books, taking classes, asking questions and filtering through information to take what I feel is good and appropriate. This kid deserves a good start.

2. I've  been looking at some sort of fitness goal. Sadly I probably cannot start it quite yet, but can continue my walks, yoga and elliptical. But I am looking at training for a 1/2 marathon as I know many people who have done it and I will have this jogging stroller so Little Dude can accompany me on some training runs. I need to pick the race too.

3. I would really like to make some more local friends. I have a few very good ones. However I have not been that good at putting myself out there and would like to find some people who are in similar life stages to me...i.e. just starting a family. I do not want to become to isolated at home. So I plan on joining a group or something for new parents. Maybe my walks/runs will introduce me to some other newly parentified neighbors too.

4.Cut back on certain kinds of spending. I realize this is an oxymoron because we will now have a kids...cutting expenses, but I will also be cutting my work hours and thus my pay. So, while I will have to be more specific on this one, certain categories of spending will need to be managed better by myself, i.e. eating out for lunch (I don't see that being an issue) clothing/shoes (could be an issue), miscellaneous/untracked spending. 

5. Finding more peace. One of my favorite quotes out there is "the more I come to peace with myself, the less I engage in war with others." Not that I don't live peacefully, but I want to continually point myself in that direction and set a good example to Little Burris and my clients. There are so many ways to do this. I have been enjoying my prenatal yoga, refocusing reading and life efforts on my faith, being introspective and even re-entering some personal therapy, taking care of myself, meditating/focusing on positive thoughts, etc.